How We Got Here

These past few weeks at Fixus have been immense and we wanted to share with you how Fixus came to be.

Many people would be surprised to hear it was only 12 weeks ago we first had the idea of starting a gym as a foursome.

Fixus was firstly viewed as a physiotherapy clinic room and then we saw the warehouse behind and had a light bulb moment…this could be an epic gym space. Within 2 weeks we had devised a business plan, Jonny and Andy had started building work and paint brushes were in overtime. Since then we have been planning, organising and setting up the space ready for potential members to join us.

We pride ourselves, both individually and as a business, at being honest and open. Owning a gym has always been a pipe dream and 12 weeks ago fate threw us a chance and we took it. And look what we have achieved in such a short time!

We have been overwhelmed with the response and love we have had from so many people and hope we can continue to deliver a gym people are proud to workout in.


We Are Open!